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Writer's pictureFelicia Boyce


One thing that drastically changed my life for the better was starting the practice of creating specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals or SMART goals for short. This approach will guide you to what you desire again and again. It's much easier than you might think and the results can quite literally change your life.

For me, this process first started with personal finance and has since grown into every area of my life. Let's walk through the basic criteria.


Specific - You have probably heard the saying "Where focus goes, energy flows." That couldn't be more true! So why not use that to your benefit. The more specific you can be in naming what you want or what you want to achieve, the easier you will find your way there. For example, you might tell a friend that you want to go to a beautiful beach for vacation. Great! Do you have a specific beach in mind? Or maybe you want to lose weight. Cool! How much weight? Take some time and give it some thought. Get a clear picture in your mind and try writing it down.


Measurable - Small incremental steps may not sound exciting, but it's much more effective and satisfying than hoping and wishing. How can you measure progress toward your goal of vacationing at a beautiful beach? Maybe start with identifying what you need to get to this beautiful beach. As you mark things off the list, you will find yourself closer and closer to the goal.


Achievable - Big goals are great and encouraged! However, sometimes you need to start with little goals that move you closer to your big goal. Stacking up small wins will help keep you moving forward. You want to take a vacation to the Amalfi Coast (Me too!), but you have zero savings and no passport. Sounds like starting with a vacation savings goal is a great first step. And you can work on the passport while you are saving.


Relevant - I like to think of this step as the Why. If you are setting goals for the purpose of showing off or simply copying someone else's goals, you are going to waste precious time and energy chasing someone else's dream. Goals should be personal to you. Relevant to what you truly desire to accomplish or achieve. Try asking yourself, how are you going to feel when you reach the goal in mind?


Time-bound - Starting a new year with the classic '"I want to get in shape this year" is drastically different than signing up to run a 5k or starting a 6 week workout program. With a goal that is time-bound, you are forced to take action to accomplish your goal. A sense of urgency is created. Otherwise, it's too easy to indefinitely tell yourself that you will start next Monday, next month, or next year.


Once you start working through this process and applying it to your goals and desires, you might be surprised how things that were once hopes and dreams can become your reality. Hopes and dreams are wonderful and aligned action is just the magic you need to get there. If you have any goals that you want some help working towards, don't hesitate to let me know!

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